Saturday, August 3, 2013

How does one get ready for this?

This post is for my friend that just received her Seeking Confirmation letter!!! So excited for her.

I have trouble knowing how to react sometimes.  I've gone from crying to disbelief and everything in between.  I'm leaving in five days to travel with the love of my life to pick up our sweet number five from a distant land known as China.  Pinch me please!  I still can't believe it.  We have our bags packed but it just doesn't seem real.

So what has the last week looked like?  Well, we started off last Friday, July 26th with a broken washer.  A plastic mounting bracket broke off the bottom which allowed all the water in the tub to drain on to the floor.  Of course, because it is a Samsung, the only repair company that would work on it is located in Fort Wayne and they couldn't get to us until August 5th.  No problem!  We aren't leaving for China August 7th.  Well, my husband and I decided to do it ourselves.  We ordered the part, got the part, it was the wrong part, ordered the part again, installed the part and we now have a running washer as of yesterday, August 2nd.  Beat that repair people.  I'm only slightly proud of us for trying to fix it ourselves.  Cost?  Just under $30!

So, while we don't have a working washer for the last week my dog decides to pee on our bed Tuesday.  Why?  Haven't a clue.  Not like him to do it.  None the less, he did.  So, I make plans to head to the laundry mat on Wednesday with kids in tow to conquer all the laundry.  I figure we can make it fun with a card game or what not.  Wednesday morning, I wake up sick.  Do I have time to be sick? I didn't realize I did but my body decided to etch out a time slot for it. :(  What's worse than being sick?  Having no bedding because your dog just peed all over it and having no washer and throwing up.  Okay you didn't want to know that last part.  Sorry.  Well, we have this family of heroes that came to our rescue.  I cannot say enough about the Davis family.  They came over grabbed all of our laundry and took it to the laundry mat and gave it back to us folded nicely just hours later.  If you don't know the Davis family, you are truly missing out.  They are such a God given blessing!

What else?  Well, work for both Dustin and I.  This is my busy week where I work quite a bit.  So each morning, I carve out time to pack, make lists, check lists, pick up stuff at the store, etc.  By evening, I'm off to work.  Work has probably been a blessing because it keeps my mind focused on something else for a few hours.  And Dustin has been rocking out some excellent numbers at work keeping us financially secure while we are away.

Also, swim lessons.  Kids are excited that they just started swim lessons last Saturday.  We decided to switch them over to a sport that is more Jordy friendly for right now.  No complaints on their part.  They love it so far.

So, we are now four mornings away from leaving . . . pause for a moment to freak out . . . stomach still doing flip flops . . . should I run and make another list? . . . Okay, I'm good.  We have our paperwork ready and packed.  If we forget anything else, at least we have our paperwork.  Anything else, we can buy when we get there . . . if we remember to take the money. ;)

Thank you for the continued prayers.  While it seems to me that the devil is working overtime to put kinks in our hose right before we leave, we are leaving regardless!  And we are so happy to be fulfilling God's will for our lives.  By this time next week, we will have already met our son for the first time. :)  No more holidays without him, no more birthdays without us!


  1. Amanda,
    I am so very hapy for you and your family. You guys are such wonderful people and I'm happy that you are finally on your way to meet your newest addition to your beautiful family.
    Much love and prayers,
    Kayla "Murphy" Vest
