The last week home has been amazing. It's hard to believe we have only been home for one week. Things have been almost seamless. It feels like Jordy has been a part of our family for much longer than a few weeks. Perhaps the almost year of paperwork, prayer, and waiting had something to do with that. We could not honestly have asked for a better transition. Jordy loves his brother and sisters. He eats everything we give him or at least gives everything a fair shot which is more than we can say for our other four. He sleeps like a champ in a bed with three other people. Yes, you read that right. We co-sleep and our bed includes mom, dad, Melina, and now Jordy. Thank goodness for king size beds!!! He plays well. He dances well. He's joyful and ornery. Let's just say he is living up to the Petrosky name quite well.
This week has been filled with getting back into the groove. Dustin headed back to work on Monday and I've been working to get back into the home school mode. The kids have done great so far considering they aren't very excited about school. We've done a skeleton week while mom gets adjusted and we will throw more in next week along with beginning co-op classes on Tuesday. They are excited to be taking drawing, PE, chess, and US geography. The big Ps also started AWANA this Wednesday. Hard to believe it's already that time again!
Jordy continues everyday to amaze me. The rate at which he is learning English is staggering. A few examples come to mind. While the big kids were at AWANA, Melina, Jordy, and myself had the chance to enjoy some time together. We were finishing up supper at the table when Melina stepped out to use the bathroom. When Melina didn't return right away, Jordy yelled down the hall "MA-LEEN-A." She yelled back, "What?" to which Jordy cracked up because he was so proud of himself for saying her name. He did this several times and we all enjoyed a good laugh together. After dinner, we went out for a little walk and Melina was picking dandelions. She picked one for Jordy and without any prompting from anyone, he clearly said "Than que." I was shocked and excited! One proud momma here. Everyday, there are little examples of his understanding. I just can't believe how fast it's happening.
Today was Jordy's first visit to the dentist and he did awesome. The dentist office was not planning on doing x-rays but I insisted. I knew he had at least one cavity and wanted to do x-rays to capture any and all issues so that we could start fixing them right away. They agreed to try and Jordy totally made me proud! He bit down on those silly stupid pieces of cardboard and barely moved. Unfortunately, the x-rays revealed 4 cavities. I had already called ahead to see if they had openings the same day to fill cavities and so they got Jordy in immediately to fix one of the four. They wanted to make sure he did well. Otherwise, they would have referred us out to a pediatric dentist. He caused no problems and did wonderful with the gas mask. He did so well they invited him back to the office to fill two more cavities next week. They are leaving one cavity alone for now.
Tomorrow, we are off to Chicago. We have an appointment at 10am our time in Chicago at Shriner's Hospital. Dustin is working so I'm taking big brother Gerik and Karoline Davis. Anxious to hear the doctor's initial thoughts!!!
Cheese! |
TV and snack buddies. |
Staying out of mom's hair during school time. |
Caydra working on seat work. |
Natalie doing math. |
Gerik attempting to look busy. Too many fingers on that pencil dude!!!!!!!! |
We have only one television that will run Jordy's "Happy Goat" chinese DVDs . . . thankfully . . . the DVD player for the van. We only bought two DVDs and I'm beginning to think it was still too many. |
My brave little man. He actually enjoyed the polishing of his teeth. |
This stupid mask would drive me crazy but not Jordy. He wore it like a super hero! |
Almost done! |
Speaking of super heros, guess who found the costumes today? |
Congrats on your newest child! Blessings on your journey! Love, Michele (Utter) Harsha