There is so much to tell you but where to start? Day 2 was packed full and happens to be one of the best days of my life ever!
We checked into our hostel Fly by Night after travelling for over 24 hours to get to Beijing. By night, it didn't feel any different than any other large city but once we woke up and the light hit it. Wow! The hostel we are staying at is in a very very very old district in the center of BJ. It's over 400 years old according to the signs posted. Before I describe our surroundings first let me share with you what a Chinese couple living in Columbia City told me. I asked them what advice they could share with me about travelling to China and they said two things. China is dirty and it smells. Now that I've share what they said to me, I feel comfortable telling you, the area we are in is very dirty and it smells. However, I wouldn't trade where we are staying for the world. This area is very real, very dirty, very poor, and heartbreaking to say the least. Our standard of living back home is leaps and bounds better than here. I'm so grateful for the life God has provided for me and my family. We are blessed beyond measure.
Our hostel courtyard by dawn. |
Our room. |
Hutong the street we are staying off of. Very tight squeeze and yet vehicles fly up and down. |
Trash in the middle of the road . . . everywhere. |
Front entrance to hostel |
Our first order of business today was visiting the home that our son has been raised in since a baby. The director of his home was more than welcoming. The volunteers were welcoming. It was an overwhelming experience that is hard to put into words. Without holding back any longer, here are pictures from our hours at Angel Home.
Baba and his boy! You can't tell as well in this pictures but there are definitely not dry eyes on this big guy. |
The director and founder of Angel House, Eva. |
There was no shortage of children to hug, hold, and love. They knew we were mamas and babas and it was heartbreaking knowing that most of them do not have families yet. |
The girl in the pink dress is being adopted by a family in the US as well and she is such a happy girl. |
This lady has been one of Jordy's primary caretakers. Meeting her was a very emotional experience. She and I both cried tears of happiness and tears of mourning for the loss of their close relationship. I'm crying just thinking about it and must move on. She is a hero to me. |
We have been blessed by God's timing to be able to spend this day at Angel House with another couple in Indiana that are also adopting from the same province. David and Kathie have been wonderful company and we are thankful for our time here with them. Plus they only live a few hours from us. |
We sent Jordy a bear in March we he received in May and it was laying in his bed when toured his bedroom. |
Our hero Eva! |
David and Kathie with their little ray of sunshine. David is holding another little boy who needs a family. He was so very affectionate and craved all the attention we provided. |
Another volunteer that has spent a great time with Jordy. We were at Angel House so long, we were able to see them eating lunch. |
This poor sickly little kitten was waiting for us when we entered Angel House. David and Kathie's daughter couldn't resist it. Not only does AH nurse children back to health but also this scrawny little kitten. I see a bright future for this cat even if I'm not a big fan! |
There is more from today but this all you really cared about anyways. Consider this Part 1 Day 2!
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