Just when we thought we had our sleep pattern down, we both woke up at 2:30am. Not because of nerves or jitters just because we weren't tired anymore. Grrr! We actually turned on the TV around 4am and got up and around at 6am. We didn't have to be ready until 9:30am.
We met our guide in the lobby at 9:30am and headed to the Civil Affairs office just 15 minutes away. We were the first family to arrive and the lobby was empty. So, we waited and signed our necessary papers and turned in the necessary papers and money. Then we waited some more. Other adopting families began to arrive and still no children. The director of the PingDingShan orphanage arrived but since our son hasn't lived there ever, she came alone and we waited on Jordy's nanny and volunteer from Angel House to arrive by train from Beijing. (Jordy was found in PingDingShan. While he has never lived in the orphanage, the legal paperwork is still taken care of through that city orphanage). Children from various orphanages began to arrive and we had the pleasure and honor to sit back and watch these families as they met their children for the first time. I have to admit I shed tears over and over again as I watched families take into their arms their sons and daughters whom they had only known from pictures. All beautiful children, all so deserving of a forever family, all with different needs and ALL created by God in their own perfection! Breathtaking.
A play area in the lobby. |
Not sure why this official looking desk exists. They don't use if for anything but at least it looks official. |
A room full of families and children. |
Dustin and I along with Kathie and David were the last families to receive our children but alas the volunteers arrived and my tears began. Not for the usual reason. I was thrilled and excited to finally get Jordy into my arms but my tears were not shed out of happiness but out of mourning. Unlike so many orphans, Jordy was well taken care of by Angel House. There are usually around 40 children living there at a time and it's not a real family but it's leaps and bounds better than the orphanage. He had a very tight bond with one of the volunteers specifically and she was the one that brought him to the Civil Affairs office. When she arrived with Jordy, I just couldn't hold back the tears and neither could she. She loves Jordy so very much and has spent so much time with him. She was with him during his surgeries. She has taken him home for visits with her husband. Jordy has been a central part of her life and today is the last day he will see her for a very long time if ever again. I felt in many ways that I was taking her son away from her. Don't get me wrong, she and I both understand that this is the way it is supposed to be but it doesn't make it easy.
My Jordy is officially in our custody. The adoption will be finalized tomorrow. |
The two volunteers that came specifically with Jordy. Notice their shirts. They are team "Jordy." You can't tell in this picture but none of us have dry eyes. I think we are hiding it well. |
We had to waste a little time before having an official governmental family photo taken. |
These two lived together at Angel House. Notice how dolled up she is for her big day. Quite the diva! |
After our official Gotcha it was out to lunch with our J-man. Let me tell you this smile is no rare thing. He is a very very happy boy. |
He is also an excellent and very un-picky eater. |
He had to use a fork, a spoon, and chopsticks to complete his noodles. Just for fun! |
Then it was back to the hotel where we chilled shortly. Jordy is LOVING the track that momma brought for him to play with and the cars his brother Gerik picked out for him to race.
Now for some cultural stuff. I know you guys really enjoy these. Here are some random things I've learned in no particular order.
-Sidewalks are for scooters, bicycles, and only sometimes people.
-The lines painted on the road indicating lanes are just for looks because no one stays between them . . . EVER!
-Turn signals are not required but horns are.
-Chinese women don't shave their legs but you can barely tell. How awesome this would be!!
-Drinks including water are served hot or at the least, warm.
-When it is hot, Chinese men roll their shirts up above their belly. I need to get a picture of this.
-You cannot drink tap water. It's not safe unless you boil it. The hotel provides these awesome machines that boil water in less than five minutes.
This card is actually for electricity which I found out the hard way. Silly me, I thought it was a key card but when we tried to get back into our room it didn't work and our room was hot because the electricity had been out for several hours. Oops. You have to leave this in the slot at all times or the whole room has no power. |
I have no idea what kind of flower this is but isn't it beautiful?!! |
This is a residential area just down from the hotel. Sad but true. |
Scooters on the sidewalk. |
More scooters on the sidewalk. |
Big day. Couldn't make it to Walmart awake. |
I have no idea what kind of fruit this is but it awesome to look at. Didn't try this one because we didn't want to wait at the fruit check line. They have to weigh it and sticker it for check out. |
These are tiny quail eggs. There are all sorts of eggs in the stores. Even the kind that they bury for a long time underground and then eat. |
This Mountain Dew looks like it will light you up it's so florescent. |
Walmart is two stories high. |
The wheels lock onto the escalator preventing it from moving. |
This is a "Chinese" hamburger so I was told. It is a steamed bun stuffed with meat, onion, and pepper. |
The inside of the steamed bun. |
This we were told is a "Chinese" pancake. I don't know why. It's not sweet at all. It's a rice pastry (I think) with peppers, cumin, and I don't know what else but it's good. |
Last, let me just tell you that Jordy is the most delightful, talkative (no we can't understand him), energetic boy and he is so content with his mama and baba. It's like he's always been a part of us. Thank you for your prayers. Keep them coming. We have a big day tomorrow. We have to drive 2 hours one way to PingDingShan to apply for Jordy's passport after finalizing his adoption at the Civil Affairs office. But, Jordy is a trooper and we know we will be just fine . . . as long as their is air in the van. Whew!
I am so happy for you guys. Be safe. Thoughts and prayers for the rest of the journey! Give Jordy a hug from the Harlow's