By the time you read this post, you will have already been made aware that we have decided to pursue adoption of a very "special" boy in China. (No need to panic!) Did I really just say that? Yep. (And now, I need to take a big deep breath.)
Excited? Definitely!
Scared? More than you even know!
Let me back up . . . before Dustin and I became the proud parents of one very healthy bouncy baby boy named Gerik, we began the process of looking into international adoption. We attend a meeting and loved the idea. However, the cost was intimidating to say the least and the country we desired most, China, had such strict guidelines that we couldn't qualify. We decided to pursue foster parenting instead and became licensed and while waiting for our first placement to arrive we decided to have one of our own. And enters Gerik! Best day of my life but I'll save that for another post.
Let me back up again. In the earliest years of our marriage before children, we had the rare blessing to meet two incredible missionaries while attending Winona Grace Brethren Church. These two made a big impact on our lives. Coming from Canada to finish seminary, they brought their two boys to live for a year. While here, they found out that they were expecting number three, not planned. Ultrasounds revealed possible problems, and when their baby girl was born, there was a "problem." However, let me tell you that watching this mom and dad with their baby girl was absolutely amazing. She was born with a cleft palate and was going to need surgery but I will never forget how stunningly beautiful she was and how incredibly calm her mother and father were in spite of the hurdles they were going to have to face. Their unwavering faith in Jesus Christ carried them through and left a HUGE footprint on my heart. How amazing it was to watch this girl with a "special" problem be so incredibly loved and adored. It was then that the idea of adopting a child with a special need planted itself in my heart.
Now, we can fast forward to now. We are the proud parents of four, two biological and two adopted from foster care. Our last biological child was born September 7, 2010 and we couldn't have been happier. Now, our family is complete! Or is it? God has a funny way of stirring my heart. I knew he was talking to me about children but I wasn't sure exactly what he wanted. Foster parenting again? Domestic adoption? Foreign adoption?
I hope this link works to because he is adorable!
**WHACK** This is where GOD slaps me in the face with an adorable picture and video of a "special" boy from China in need of a forever family. And there you have it! After review of his file, my husband says, "I am starting to think we can do this. We already have four. What's one more?" I couldn't agree with him more.