Friday, December 21, 2012

12 days of Christmas by the Petrosky Kids

One of our projects this month has been to change the 12 days of Christmas song.  So, here is the condensed version.  Enjoy!

On the twelfth day of Christmas

My family gave to me,

Twelve reasons to celebrate Christ’s birth,

Eleven plus holiday greetings,

Ten presents under the tree,


Nine merry carols,

Eight snowmen standing,

Seven elves a workin’,

Six members of our family,

FIVE Christmas stockings,

Four anxious children,

Three Santa Claus movies,

Two Christmas pillows,

And a 9 foot Christmas tree.

Reason’s to celebrate Christ’s birth:
1.      Because Jesus was born in a manger.
2.      Because he died on the cross for us.
3.      Because he rose again.
4.      Because he wants to save us from the devil.
5.      Because he wants us to go to heaven.
6.      Because he loves us.
7.      Because we love him.
8.      Because Jesus listens to our prayers.
9.      Because Jesus answers our prayers.
10.  Because God gave us his ONLY son that came to Earth.
11.  Because we are sinners.
12.  Because he keeps us safe.

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