Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pre-approval is here

It's a cool and crisp Sunday morning.  The sun is rising giving way to some beautiful colors across the clouds and sky.  It's a good time to sit and eat oatmeal and reflect on all the blessings of this week while preparing for church.

We received a phone call on Tuesday morning from our adoption agency.  China approved our request to adopt Jordy.  I'll be honest, there was a part of me that was like, "Oh, no! This is for real."  Once I was over the initial shock, my heart started to celebrate.  Thank you God; we are going to bring this little guy home!!  Wa-hoo!

We decided to collectively tell our families on Thursday about our new and different journey.  While I was worried about the response, our family has been very supportive and we are thankful for that.  We decided to tell our own children that day and they are over-the-top excited!  They have been praying for Jordy to find a family and were a bit surprised when we said he was going to be part of ours.  Our son instantly began making plans in his room for his new brother.  He would have packed his bags if I would have let him.  But I informed him that we are a looooong way from the part where mom and dad fly to China.  No need to pack yet little buddy!  He's all too ready for us to go. :(

Friday, my husband called to inform me that we had been nominated for a matching grant.  We didn't even know that we were eligible to apply yet but our agency did that for us and we received an email about it.  Very cool and uplifting.  Now we need to come up with a creative way to raise $1,500 dollars which they will then match.

It's been a wonderful week of family, pumpkin carving, and good news!

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