I know. I know! We dropped off the face of blogger. We are alive. We are well. We are busy. Life is excellent.
My last post was in August. I remember thinking selfishly after that post that Jordy will NEVER walk. And I was completely and totally wrong. It has been a challenging road with Jordy in regards to his mobility. If you don't see an issue, why work to fix it. In Jordy's case, his mobility issues don't bother him. Why work to improve something, if you don't feel it's a big deal. Well, even in spite of his cavalier attitude, Jordy has improved his moblity and has been walking now for about two months without his walker. It started with lots of graceful falls and has advanced to in his words "running" or rather a fast walk.
However, as things always do for Jordy, change is about to happen again next week as Jordy has surgery on his right hip to correct the subluxation he has had since birth. When I shared with him that he had surgery coming and told him the doctor said he wouldn't be able to walk or put any weight on his legs for awhile, he simply looked at me and said, "So, I'll have to use the stroller." And that was it! Like I mentioned before, he doesn't worry too much about his mobility. This boy just rolls with the punches. Better than I can say for myself or most people I know.
Please keep J-man in your prayers as we prepare for this next surgery. On the one year anniversary of having his left hip repaired, Jordy will be having his right hip repaired. This surgery isn't supposed to be as difficult and we hope that it proves not to be. Mom and Jordy will be heading to Chicago early on Wednesday, November 12th while Dustin takes care of the home front again. He does an amazing job helping with school and everything else.
Thank you in advance for your continued prayers. Thank you for all the prayers that you've sent us already. Those prayers are continually felt.
So, here's what has been happening in pictures over the last several months:
Watching Frozen on the back deck with a friend. |
Impromptu trip to the zoo. |
Natalie shows her moves on the soccer field. |
Caydra kicks it hard on the soccer field. |
Cardinals win the tourney! |
Melina's first year of herd ball . . . I mean soccer. |
Celebrating grandpa's birthday. |
Here's the purple herd. |
Celebrating 5 years and his second American birthday! |
My baby is 4 years old already. |
These babies hang out with us once a week. It's rough job but someone had to do it. |
They don't teach this stuff in school! |
It's an on going argument as to which child will get to do the next feeding. Good thing there are two of them!!! |
First year of JFL for Gerik. He's got the ball . . . going to make a play! |
This baby turned 8 years old. For the month of October, I have three 8 year olds. |
Celebrating a birthday at the bowling alley. |
With a friend! |
Dressing up never gets old. |
Loving the pumpkins. |
Practicing our John Hancocks with chicken feathers dipped in a berry ink as part of a homeschool lesson regarding the Declaration of Independence. |
These kids looked awesome this year. No theme but their individual characters really shone through. |
My last year with no children in the double digits. This girl is turning 9 years old. |
Birthdays with BFFs. |
Wii dance, do you???? |
Birthday at the skating rink. In this picture, she looks good but according to Caydra, she needs butt pads for her next trip back. |
Running into a friend at the skating rink is fun but her willingness to help a Natalie is priceless. |
What better way to prepare for hip surgery than to try out skates for the first time. Very challenging with feet going in different directions but he tried. |
Skating was more fun when mom zipped her around! |
Skating was more fun riding on the walker! |
Love the cupcake creations! I don't think I have ever taken my kids roller skating! I used to love going as a child.
ReplyDeleteI miss Jordy so much!!! I was in Beijing for two weeks in 2011 summer, I do miss the time I spent with him. I sincerely hope his body is getting better and better. And update more please :D :D