I realize it's been a few weeks since I've sat down to blog. In two days, we will have been home for one month already. Hard to believe it's only been one month because it seems much longer than that. I suppose we've been busy enough that it feels longer than reality.
Things have continued to go well. We have had some melt downs here and there and by we I mean Jordy and occasionally Melina. Jordy is figuring out that he has to share and that he doesn't always get his way. That's been a huge thing. He thinks that whining equals getting his own way. Melina LOVES Jordy. She wants to be in his space all the time. He's not terribly thrilled about it all the time but at least half of the time all is well. We are all figuring it out and finding our new normalcy.
We are hitting our stride in the midst of all the craziness and appointments which is great timing because I head back to work next week. We've got our home school groove and having Jordy has helped keep Melina more entertained during school time. The down side is that my house looks like it is being run by a 3 and 4 year old. A daily tornado passes through the house leaving great amounts of destruction in it's path. A word of warning, unannounced visitors during the week will doubt my ability to clean. Please know that I try and my two mess makers are worth my inability to keep a tidy house (at least this is what I tell myself during my "breath in, breath out" exercises ;) ).
I'll let the pictures do the speaking now:
Sharing a regular snack of apples. |
Sharing birthday make-up with Melina. |
At least she knew to put it on her eyes. |
This make-up session was followed by a carpet cleaning session! |
Jordy caught on that all the big kids were folding and putting away their clothes. He's getting used to having his own stuff and insisted on helping to put it away. Of course, I gladly allowed it!! |
I <3 these moments! |
Jordy fell asleep before he could unwrap his gift from Grandma Canada. So this one is for you, mom. He loves the cars. |
Yep, he's a clown. With or without the hair. He's doing a belly dance here in this pic. |
Someone caught on that Jordy likes to play dress up and knowing that doctors are ever so present in Jordy's life right now, decided to help make light of a sort of scary time. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! |
He was very enthusiastic about giving shots after getting six in the past month. :( |
Excuse the half loaded picture. I'm too lazy to load it again. Besides, check out the cuteness in that face. It's all that matters anyways. |
Someone asked to sleep in his own bed. After sleeping with mom and dad and Melina for the past almost month, Jordy decided he was ready for his own bed. We've told him that it is his bed but we've never actually put him in it. Smart kiddo decided it was time and specifically asked to go to his bed. I'll be honest, I was sort of heart broken at first. But for him, he loves being a part of the night time routine like the big kids. He gives hugs and kisses and says "good night" about fifty million times and smiles the whole time. I know he's four already but to me, it's like he's growing up too fast in my presence. It's better that he did it on his own terms and I'm incredibly thankful for that but I will still selfishly grieve not having him close at night. |
Shriner's Hospital, trip 2. We visited again to see a ortho specialist for Jordy's upper extremities. It was another long day of travel leaving at 10am and getting home at 8pm but he did awesome. Only one more trip before surgery. Unfortunately, it's next week already. :( |
Big sis Caydra came with us this round. We finally have a surgery date. During our appointment, they agreed to put us on the calendar. Jordy will have left hip reconstruction surgery on November 13 with a chance that they may also do his right hip. Mark your calendars and keep him in your prayers!!! |
Guess who started swim lessons last week? Doesn't get much cuter than this folks. |
As you can tell, she hates it! |
Chilling at the pool watching sis. |
After sitting still for about a year not doing much outside of the house, we've finally become stir crazy. Time to get out and experience life again. I know other adoptive families understand what it is like to sit still for long periods of time trying to save money, pinch pennies, etc. It's hard but well worth it when you get to the other side and get to finally experience everything with the newest member!!! |
So, here we go to the orchard to pick some apples. They always taste better when picked by five of the cutest kids! |
Jordy was the bag holder for dad. And he did an awesome job until the bag got too heavy. It's funny how quickly Jordy is picking up English. He doesn't actually call Dustin baba much anymore. He's favoring calling him "daddy" as well as calling me "mommy." |
I loved that some of the trees had apples so low that Miss Melina was able to pick without a special picking stick. |
Mom's turn to carry our 30 pounder on the back. Whew! |
Stupid car photo bombing this priceless pic. Car was there first but still! |
This is Jordy's lifting face. |
So, what do you do with the left over dough from your apple pie crust? |
Give it to your four year old and let him play with it like play dough. Duh!! This piece of dough used up at least 15 minutes of Jordy's day. |
Super proud of this kiddo. He helped me make apple pie and he read the ingredients to me. Way to go! He is such a reluctant reader. It does not come easy for him but it made me proud when he read what we needed to me today. Yay! |
Our reward after supper tonight! Big hit with honey crisp apples. Last weekend before I'm back to work. Made an apple cheesecake dessert, too. After all, one can never go over board when celebrating the last weekend of full freedom. |
Love his "lifting face"!