Jordy has learned English at lightening speed which has made for some great conversations lately. I love that he can share with me about his life in China and I thought I would share some things we talked about on Friday mostly so that I don't forget what he shared.
In our house filled with six other individuals, it is hard to have truly isolated one on one time but with Jordy still not allowed to stand, I still have to take Jordy potty. So, as we are sitting in the bathroom, Jordy tells me out of no where, "China does not have pizza." There is pizza in China but I can't imagine that Jordy ever would have eaten any. So I responded, "No, there isn't." Not true but in his limited experience, there wasn't. He quite enjoys pizza much to our delight. This simple conversation opened the flood gate of sharing about China. He shared that he ate fish and eggs in China just like here. We talked about all sorts of different foods like noodles, soup, and rice. He said he didn't eat them in China. Truth is, he doesn't like rice. As for noodles and soup, I'm not sure he understands that there are many different types of noodles and soups.
He proceeded to share that in his bathroom, they did not have a bath rug like our bathroom but rather big puzzle pieces with Mickey on them. My best guess is that they used the big foam puzzle mat pieces in their bathing area which I've seen in many pictures of children from China.
My favorite part of our conversation was when Jordy shared with me that Dustin and I need to go back to China and pick up all his friends. He says he is willing to share his bed and that Gerik, Caydra, and Natalie can all share their beds as well. When we run out of beds, Jordy said that the rest of the children can sleep on the floor of the bedrooms and even mom and dad can share our bed. Melt my heart!!!!!!! I asked him if they were supposed to come and visit or if they were supposed to stay forever. He didn't give it a second thought, he said they could stay forever and that he would share all of his batman toys. He named many of his friends including the following two that are still in China without families committed to them.
"Bo" |
"Shawn" |
As I was making his bed and changing the sheets, he also shared that he had a little bed in China. He said he didn't need his little bed anymore and he told me that now his bed could be used by another boy, maybe one that had a broken bed.

Over and over again, I hear the compassion Jordy has for others. And while we have no plans in the present or future to adopt again, I can say that it is hard not to get on a plane and head back when all of our children regularly share with us their willingness and longing to bring more children into our family. They, as children, have no reservations about adding more members to our family. I know we can't rescue them all. We are not going to try to rescue them all but as crazy as everyone may think we are, it's hard to think about all the children that don't get to experience the joy, pleasure, frustration, turmoil, and every other beautiful part that makes up being a part of a family. Our children get it. And because they get it, they want to share it. Cannot fault them for that and I love them more because of it!
Brothers for life! |
Just in case you didn't know, we got a teeny bit of snow. Only about 16.2 inches in our county. |
Enjoying our Christmas gift from Gma Barr & Chuck: a ping pong table. |
We obviously are not having fun. |
Look out, he has a wicked serve! |
Families that play together, stay together. No shortage of playtime in our house! Lucky for us, Dustin is his own portable amusement park.