Hard to believe that two months yesterday, we finalized the adoption of our number five. It's been long enough now that I'm ready to hop back on a plane and go back. I know I said that I didn't want to see a plane for a very long time but I've changed my mind. No worries though, Dustin isn't. While he and I both LOVED China, Dustin would only go back for a visit. Me? I'd bring home more children!! ALL we need is a bigger vehicle and another $30,000. No problemo, right?!!
I know I've done a horrible job of blogging lately but trust me, you would get bored with me after awhile if I didn't save up! The last two months of having Jordy in our lives has been a daily reminder that God has it all figured out. For us, Jordy has become a member of our family without any inhibitions. He's always belonged here, we just didn't realize it until God (well technically our friend Tonya Wike doing God's handy work) pointed it out. It is clear through his body language that he genuinely likes being here in our family. He's very affectionate. He's ever joyful and so goofy. Not a day goes by that he doesn't make me laugh or smile with pride.
The most common question people ask me is: "Does Jordy speak English?" Well, one month ago I would have said, "no." He would babble a lot of Chinese and I felt so terrible that I didn't understand. In one month, he has learned so much that it makes me daily drop my jaw. It's one thing to know words. It's a completely different matter to enunciate those words correctly and use them in the right context. For a child that has only been in the presence of English for two months, he knows A LOT! I've been dutifully keeping track, over the last several days, the things Jordy has said so that I could share these with you. Know that he speaks these sentences and phrases with clarity. There is no doubt when he speaks what he is saying and rarely do you hear an accent of any sort. TWO MONTHS! Craziness.
"Can I watch a movie?"
"I don't want it!"
"Let me see."
"This is Elmo." We introduced him to Elmo in Grouchland and he loves it!!
"Mommy, this is mine." Jordy has definitely taken ownership of his stuff. He takes pride in having his own clothing, toys, etc.
"Mom, come here."
"That's enough."
"Mommy, can I drink?"
"You are silly."
"Brush teeth."
"This is a goofball." We are always joking about Jordy being a goofball. So, he started calling everything a goofball. :)
"Where's Melina?" He says this with his palms up and his shoulders shrugged. So, cute!
"Stinky feet." An ongoing joke in the family about who has stinky feet.
"The horses are coming." We went to the war reenactment. Needless to say, the horses were about to arrive.
"Can I color?"
"Mommy, look!"
"I don't know." He says this when he doesn't understand something.
"What is this?"
"This is everyone's." He acknowledges that everyone shares some things.
"I want this one."
These are just a few examples. There are more but these are the ones I caught and as for his Chinese? Gone. Not that he doesn't still understand it but he never uses it. I suppose if you realized that all your English was worthless to the people around you, you'd stop trying to use it, too. It's bitter sweet. I'm so proud that he is learning so fast but with that comes the continuous reminder that his life has been full of so much loss already and he's only four years old!! On a happier note, he's also learning his letter sounds and he's learning those fast as well.
Another huge thing this last month was our visit to Shriner's. We visited a neurologist there and I'm not honestly sure what we really got out of visiting him. The doctor has a desire to find out what is causing all his muscle issues. Ultimately, it doesn't matter the cause because the treatment will be the same. Keep in mind this visit was simply to satisfy the surgeon that will be doing Jordy's surgery November 13. However, what was wonderful about that appointment was the visit with the physical therapist. His name is Tim and he was such a positive energy. He introduced us to a walker for Jordy with the idea that Jordy could begin to strengthen his legs before surgery. I will be honest, I cried when I saw Jordy taking steps on his own for the first time with the help of the walker. Best part is that Shriner's loaned us one free of charge and even encouraged us to put a basket on it so he could give his "friends" a ride. He has definitely caught on quick. He's not always excited to use it because mom is sort of demanding of it sometimes and it does get tiring on his arms but for now, this is the BEST therapy possible.
For those that didn't already catch it one my FB page, it's worth a watch.
Here are some pictures from our latest adventures:
My mess makers found some empty storage bins in the basement during school time and relocated them to the upstairs. |
One of my single most favorite times of year!!! Our yearly pumpkin carving. |
Natalie turned 7 this month but we aren't celebrating until November with big sis. She invited a friend over to spend the night in lieu of celebration. |
Cleaning his first pumpkin. He definitely has this word down pat!! |
Goof ball. They were all getting a kick out of licking the inside of the pumpkin. |
Aunt Lauren and her expert carving skills. |
Our finished products. Not bad! |
So, this picture reminds me of the following comic that was given to me years ago. We do costumes well in this house and Jordy has picked up on it very well. |
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I have no idea how old this comic is but it is my favorite. It hangs on my fridge as a constant reminder of the creativity of the children in my own home. |
Mississinewa war paint for the face. |
This little girl doing the painting was adorable. |
Jordy playing with a creepy colonial era pig puppet. |
It was loud and fun. |
Homemade chicken noodles for lunch. Yummy. Boy in the back does not belong to us. We did not trade Natalie in she was visiting Grandma for her birthday. |
Getting a little gun making history. |
Wagon rides at grandpa's house. |
Coloring grandpa's sidewalk. |
Carmel apple time. |