For some reason, these past couple of weeks have been particularly hard. I can't explain why really. Each and every leg of this journey, I've been able to remain calm knowing Christ has this whole thing already planned from beginning to end. Something about being so close to the end, makes the waiting seem unbearable. I'm really DONE with the waiting. I DON'T want to wait anymore. I WANT to throw a temper tantrum. I want to, I WANT to, I WANT TO!!!!!! And yet, I know in my heart that it's completely unnecessary. God has ultimate control even if I'm struggling with the trust factor at this moment. The whole being human thing sort of stinks sometimes.
Here's a brief update on OUR progress that I literally copied and pasted from some else's blog because word for word, it matches our timeline exactly:
Our NVC Letter and Supporting Documents will be hand delivered to the US Consulate in Guangzhou, China- hopefully today!
1. We will wait 2 weeks for our Article 5 to be issued and then overnighted to the CCCWA (China Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption) in Bejing.
2. Then we will wait 2-4 weeks for the CCCWA in Bejing to issue our TA! Our TA (Travel Approval) is the big date we’re waiting for!
3. After our TA is issued, we have to secure an appointment with the Consulate in Guangzhou (to get Jordy a Visa once we’re in China) and then our trip dates will be finalized!
We were hoping to travel end of July but we have two HUGE hurdles that may hold us back. First, China "upgraded" their welfare computer program and it's been all but glamorous. The system isn't really working and our agency said they haven't received any travel approvals (TAs) in 3 weeks. Yuck!!! Second, the US Embassy in Guangzhou, China is closing from the 12th to the 24th of July to relocate which means even if we get TA, we cannot schedule travel until the Embassy reopens and gives us an appointment.
Truth is, we know that all these stupid little hiccups are typical in some way shape or form but we (I) so wanted to be in China before the end of August or September. Jordy's 4th birthday is September 6 and we'd love to celebrate it at home.
Other things to pray for:
I'm trying very hard to qualify for FMLA at work which would give me 12 weeks off of work but I have to pick up enough hours in the next month or so. The stress of picking up hours will wear on us all but it is necessary. Pray that I'm able to get enough hours and that I can find appropriate child care. We are launching a new program at work and that is an extra stress for all the Parkview community hospitals. Pray for the transition mid-July.
Also, pray that I can find enough people to donate PTO hours that I won't have to do any time off without pay. I have vacation time but not enough to cover 12 weeks. I've already had a few offers to donate PTO and I'm getting close to having enough.
Travel Expenses. We will be travelling at a very expensive time of year. We have no exact numbers on cost but let's just say at best, it's a lot and at worst, it's a lot. August is an expensive time to travel. We are so thrilled that to date God has covered all costs up to this point. All that remains is the travel and legal fees. Wisdom in knowing how to pay the remainder of this journey is needed!!!
Your prayers are so appreciated and I find when I'm down, I can feel the power of prayer picking me up and carrying me through.
And, I can't resist posting more pictures of our little guy. His cheeks are going to hurt when this momma finally gets to squeeze them!!!! :)